A feedbacklooper is a person connected with complex system at the micro and macro level, which enables and purports the emergence through the knowledge derived by his interactions among the people in the system. It's a flow catalyst who knows how he got there and can explain others the way. It's a new role in an intersecting networks society, that could very well mean a different sort of emergence coming from the innermost micro level of the social complex systems: uno. They are the ones that decided to move outside the box to be players, the ones that have understood that cooperating generates bigger accomplishment that has to do with sharing, freedom and openness. win-win seekers. Reference to others. People I want to share views, follow, build something better to be a part of. People I can laugh with as well as dream of something especial. Free souls. People willing to live at the limit of caos cause they know that the greater beauty takes a wilder and tougher ride.
I'm looking for feedbackloopers.
Know anyone?
In my search, I'll cast them in this list.
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